Ethnicity Inheritance
According to the ancestry DNA information provided by and, our family is essentially 100% Northwestern European, including: England, Germany, Ireland, and Scotland. This matches exactly what I have found in our family tree.
Paternal HaplogroupBelow is the breakdown of our “paternal haplogroup.” This describes only our direct male ancestors on the Rauscher line, meaning our father’s father’s father’s, etc. In other words, this would not include our father’s mother’s father’s DNA. Our paternal haplogroup is I-M253, and includes the following:
Haplogroup A (275,000 years ago)
The stories of all of our paternal lines can be traced back over 275,000 years to just one man: the common ancestor of haplogroup A. Current evidence suggests he was one of thousands of men who lived in eastern Africa at the time. However, while his male-line descendants passed down their Y chromosomes generation after generation, the lineages from the other men died out. Over time his lineage alone gave rise to all other haplogroups that exist today.
Haplogroup F-M89 (76,000 years ago)
For more than 100,000 years, your paternal-line ancestors gradually moved north, following available prey and resources as a shifting climate made new routes hospitable and sealed off others. Then, around 60,000 years ago, a small group ventured across the Red Sea and deeper into southwest Asia. Your ancestors were among these men, and the next step in their story is marked by the rise of haplogroup F-M89 in the Arabian Peninsula.
Haplogroup I-M170 (48,000 years ago)
While some men turned east, your paternal ancestors turned west. Men bearing haplogroup I-M170, which diverged from its brother lineages over 40,000 years ago, were among the first inhabitants of Ice Age Europe. Around 20,000 years ago, most humans living in Europe were pushed back out of the north by massive glaciers. When the Ice Age ended, however, humans expanded out of their southern refuges to recolonize the continent.
Haplogroup I-M253 (30,000 years ago)
Men carrying haplogroup I are found almost exclusively in Europe, where they make up about 20% of the total population. In some parts of the continent, including Scandinavia, the Balkans, Eastern Europe and Sardinia, up to 45% of men descend from the paternal lineage. In fact, men bearing haplogroup I were among some of the very first Homo sapiens to inhabit Europe between 30,000 and 45,000 years ago.
Our ancestral lineage split off from its sibling branch about 30,000 years ago. Archaeological evidence indicates it was a time of rapid change in Europe, as a new culture known as the Gravettian moved westward across the continent. The Gravettian people introduced new stone tool technology, as well as novel art forms typified by the distinctive fertility symbols known as "Venus" figurines.
Not long after these men arrived in Europe (at least on the scale of human history), the advancing Ice Age pushed most of the continent's inhabitants back out of the interior and into its southern fringes. Only Iberia, the Italian peninsula and the Balkans were mild enough to support substantial numbers of humans. As a result, the distribution of the haplogroup today reflects the migrations that took place as the glaciers began retreating about 12,000 to 15,000 years ago. Haplogroup I-M253 can be found at levels of 10% and higher in many parts of Europe, due to its expansion with men who migrated northward from these refuges, and is most common in Denmark and the southern parts of Sweden and Norway.
One of the places that was repopulated as the Ice Age waned no longer exists. During the Ice Age and for some time afterward, lower sea levels exposed much of the area that is now covered by the North Sea. Known as “Doggerland" (a real world Atlantis), the region must have been occupied by men bearing haplogroup I, because today it is abundant in all of the countries surrounding the North Sea.
As the meltwaters of the retreating Ice Age glaciers caused sea levels to rise, the low-lying forests and wetlands of Doggerland gradually became inundated. The inhabitants of Doggerland retreated to the higher ground that is now the North Sea coast. I-M253 is especially common today in Scandinavia — it reaches levels of 33% in Denmark and Sweden — and is somewhat common in England, Germany and the Netherlands, where it is found in about 15% of men.
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